Justin Allen

The Kindle: Part Two, Hacking it

Soon after I got a Kindle, I hacked it – which is not saying much, because all one has to do is employ the clever hacks others have published online. Jailbreaking your Kindle is, at this point, only so useful. For me, there was one essential...

The Kindle: Part One, Reading it

Some weeks ago, I finally broke down and bought a Kindle. I’ll here share my impressions of it as a reading experience, and in a second post talk about hacking the device (I recently jailbroke it to install my own wallpaper – not hard to do...

Patterns With Processing

Sketching With Loops, Colors, and Opacity Over the weekend I did some more tinkering with generating patterns with Processing, the programming platform for designers and artists. The following were created using simple sets of coordinates...