Techies Project

Stories From Another Side of Technology

The Techies Project shines a spotlight on diversity in tech by interviewing technology workers from a variety of backgrounds, all of which are marginalized in an industry that is still disproportionately white and male relative to the diversity of the United States.

This in itself is a worthy undertaking and intriguing concept for a website, but the results are even better than you might expect. The site has been art-directed, designed, and edited with remarkable consistency of vision. Each interview is in-depth and tells the story of how that person came to tech, complemented by a beautiful portrait photo and laid out on a simple grid.

The effect of this great care and effort in the design is to treat the subjects of these interviews with respect. And the stories they tell are sometimes very moving and difficult.

Software Engineer Victor Roman, for example, tell his story of escaping a childhood of trauma and finding a safe space in computers as a medium for self-expression. Designer Julie Ann Horvath, who some readers may remember from the storm of controversy around her experience at Github, tells her story of a tough Bay Area upbringing at length here.

The Techies Project is a model for coherent, in-depth online storytelling. The consistency of tone is amazing and speaks to the effort and care that have gone into this website.